The Current Events of Future Travel

After weeks of wondering what the future will hold, and months of sitting at home feeling stuck and slightly blue, we are still looking for answers about the safety of leaving home and whether to follow suit to all the other Jones who are traveling. Our economy is based more and more on “Keeping Up with the Jones” while being money hungry with materials, rather than holding space for the moment and experiencing the present.
Following the discussions and ongoing concerns regarding how to travel, or if it is even safe to travel – we look at and continue many conversations within our community about the fine details. Whether we travel to another community, across the province or take on the ultimate Canadian adventure from coast to coast, there are some very heavy concerns with the recent infection that we have all grown to fear.
Many hours of conversation and research were pulled together to accumulate an article, not only for guidance but additional “Food for Thought” without the dooming negativity that is surrounding many, and affecting our mental health.
Safest Forms of Travel
The safest mode of transportation is by car. Other options such as airplanes, buses, or trains are not preferred since physical distancing is much more difficult when surrounded by many people for a given period of time. There is no proper monitoring system or way to control all members involved, nor can we regulate the hygiene of others, seats, handrails and walking aids while on these modes of transportation. Traveling in low peaks and avoiding rush hour travel can be used as a good guideline for the security of your own health.
The safest means for accommodation would be a hotel, where there are strict guidelines and standards set for infection control practices. Other means of accommodation might be cheaper or have a better eye appeal, but they are unfortunately risky, as there is no accountability for the hygiene and cleanliness of the unit that is being rented. According to guidelines there should be a long duration of time between each guests’ stay, and there should be a monitoring body as well.
We should aim to travel only within our social bubbles, so that we limit the risk of contracting the infection from an outsider or stranger. We should also keep in mind that the most vulnerable population are children and the elderly, when it comes to COVID-19.
Wearing a mask properly, and hand hygiene are 2 things that a person can control and do for themselves, as well as be a role model for others who are lacking the education or confidence to stand up for their personal health choices. When traveling, try to follow the following recommendations to protect both yourself and others in the community:
- Maintain a safe distance between others
- Avoid contact when someone else is sick, and stay home if you are sick
- Limit contact with surfaces and objects
- Use hand sanitizer often, and when able to use soap and water
- Wear a mask properly covering both your nose and mouth
- Cover your mouth and nose when coughing or sneezing
- Monitor your temperature and symptoms when feeling unwell
- Avoid touching your face
While we are all eager and excited to travel and leave our small social bubbles, we must also keep in mind the increasing trend in cases. This continually puts us all at risk, and could potentially restrict our communities again, leading to additional lock downs. We need to be mindful of our mental health, and try to practice optimism. As uncertain times continue, we must be motivated to work together and practice safe protocols.
Always remember, to follow the federal and legal by-laws and rules regarding travelling. Each person should limit travel as much as possible and only in emergency situations that are unavoidable to help prevent the spread of COVID. Follow the guidelines as given by Government Canada for all Canadians looking to travel, there are very clear guidelines and recommendations for travel, as well as all information regarding fines and discipline for those who lack the ability to follow these instructions.
Always be safe, and stay healthy.
Samantha Geddes/
Travel Expert Nurse, Universal Travel Health